Concrete structures that experience concrete abrasion often need strengthening to protect the surface. All types of concrete structures have the need for more durable, harder, and less permeable concrete surfaces to be in place. Whether your surface deteriorates by impact and abrasion due to heavy traffic, chemical spills, environmental impact, or anything else, we have the complete concrete surface repair agent for your structure’s protection.
Concrete Surface: Repair, Protect, & Restore
Surtreat’s concrete surface repair solutions are chemically reactive and a permanent solution existing entirely within the concrete microstructure that cannot be peeled or scratched off. Water-repellent components are added to SurCoShield solutions depending on project requirements.
SurCoShield is a surface protective agent and corrosion inhibitor that penetrates into the concrete surface. All of the benefits of this application are internal to substrates and encompass the protection of architectural components such as brick, block, mortar, and stone.
SurCoShield keeps concrete surfaces clean by preventing the organic growth dust and pollutants from attaching. This results in concrete life-span longevity and reduced project costs.
Our solutions are proven to penetrate concrete surfaces to restore and enhance cement phase properties for durability and hardness, as well as abrasion and impact resistance.
• Parking Structures
• Airports
• Bridges
• Commercial Real Estate
• Marine and Ocean Front
• Utilities
• Manufacturing
• Chemical Oil and Gas
• Food Processing
• Transportation
• Storage and Distribution
• Mining
• Historical Monuments
• Military Facilities
• And Many Others
The world is made out of bad concrete and rusty steel, and corrosion is the primary cause of deterioration of our infrastructure,” says Bob Walde, vice president of technology for Surtreat Holding LLC. The problem, he says, is that engineers tend to try to stop corrosion by physical means that address the symptoms but not the underlying causes. “Corrosion is an electrochemical process, and it can be inhibited by changing the chemical environment around the steel.”
Reinforced concrete structures face a common challenge: the halo effect, which accelerates corrosion around repair areas. Surtreat Solutions offers industry-leading products designed to inhibit this effect and extend the life of concrete structures.
• Corrosion Active/Passive States: New concrete creates a high alkaline environment (pH 13), protecting rebar from corrosion. Over time, exposure to carbon dioxide or chlorides lowers the pH, causing rebar to become corrosion-active.
• Concrete Repair Challenges: Repairing the damaged areas with fresh concrete (pH 13) can lead to a sharp electrochemical difference between the repaired and surrounding zones. This accelerates corrosion in the adjacent, untreated areas—known as the halo effect.
Surtreat offers advanced chemical inhibitors that prevent the halo effect by protecting rebar and ensuring long-term concrete durability. These inhibitors are proven to provide over 10 years of corrosion protection.
How It Works:
• Contains chemically active silicates that penetrate concrete through cement gel pores.
• Forms a stable passive film on the rebar surface, resisting chloride attack and reducing corrosion hot spots.
Proven Performance:
• Over 25 years of field-proven success.
• Listed in the U.S. Department of Defense UFGS 09 97 23.17 for corrosion inhibitor coatings of concrete surfaces.
• Stable protection in harsh conditions without depending on pH levels.
• Superior at inhibiting corrosion hot spots where damage typically accelerates.
How It Works:
• A water-dispersed amine carboxylate that migrates through the concrete in the vapor phase.
• Forms a protective barrier, providing both anodic and cathodic protection to the rebar.
• Can penetrate through rust layers for deeper protection.
Proven Performance:
• In use for over 25 years, specified in UFGS 09 97 23.17.
• Offers dual protection (anodic and cathodic), making it highly versatile.
• Effective even when applied over rusted rebar surfaces.
Zero VOC Content:
TPS II and TPS XII are eco-friendly, dissolved in water with zero volatile organic compounds (VOC).
Ease of Application:
Both products are applied at a rate of 100 ft²/gallon, ensuring efficient and cost-effective coverage.
Long-Term Protection:
Offers continuous corrosion protection for over 10 years, preventing the halo effect and reducing future maintenance costs.
Proven Performance:
Over 25 years of consistent results in inhibiting rebar corrosion.
Comprehensive Coverage:
Protects both repaired areas and the surrounding concrete, ensuring uniform corrosion prevention.
Reduces the need for repeated repairs by addressing corrosion at the source and extending the life of concrete structures.
Preventing the halo effect is essential for maintaining the integrity of reinforced concrete structures. Surtreat Solutions offers high-performance corrosion inhibitors like TPS II and TPS XII, ensuring long-term protection and cost savings.
Choose Surtreat to extend the life of your concrete projects and protect against the damaging effects of corrosion. The Surtreat team is always available to discuss any aspect or application of our technology with you.
Soil Stabilization • Building Releveling • Concrete Crack Repair & Seal
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• Earthquake Repair Help
• DCP Testing
• Kemco Concrete Structural Repair
Ace-Dragon Coatings & Foam, INC.
Office: 14415 N Spur Road, Kenai, AK 99611
Phone: (Office) 907-398-6247
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